24% of players say they have already received remarks about their physique, 23% have suffered sexist comments about their level of play and 23% have been the target of obscene remarks with a sexual connotation.
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40% of French women who play video games with other players have already been victims of a form of sexism, according to a study conducted by the IFOP and unveiled on Thursday April 27. According to the IFOP, there are almost as many female players as male players currently in France: 62% of women say they have already played in the last three months, compared to 66% for men. And despite this near parity, “The video game world is still steeped in sexist prejudice”regrets the polling institute.
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During their online sessions, many players denounce sexist behavior, insults and even threats. 40% of gamers having interactions with other players have already been victims of a form of sexism. This figure climbs to 66% among female fighting game enthusiasts. 24% of players say they have already received remarks about their physique, 23% have suffered sexist comments about their level of play and 23% have been the target of obscene remarks with a sexual connotation. 15% of female gamers have already been threatened with sexual assault. 37% of women who play fighting games and 31% of MMORP fans (online video games with several players simultaneously) have already received this type of threat at least once.
To protect themselves, 4 out of 10 players adopt avoidance strategies
The majority of gamers (62%) adhere to at least one gender stereotype. For 22% of players who feel more like a gamer, “A man’s job is to earn money and a woman’s job is to take care of the house and the family”. 28% of players who say they are “very gamers” adhere to this sexist proposition. 30% of very active players (“very gamers”) consider that women “have gained too much power in today’s society”. 23% of players presenting themselves as “rather gamers” feel that “when you want to have sex with women, many say ‘no’ but mean yes'”, compared to 21% of very active players. Nearly three out of ten very gamers (29%) also consider that “To seduce a woman, a man must be free to importune a woman who pleases him”.
Faced with these sexist behaviors, 4 out of 10 players have already adopted at least one avoidance strategy. For fear of derogatory remarks, mockery or insults, 30% of players have already refused to participate in a voice chat, 23% have already avoided playing an online game. 16% of gamers have even hid their gender from people they play or chat with online (including 4% who do so often). This figure is exacerbated among female fighting game enthusiasts, since nearly one in two (46%) admits having already hidden their gender.
This “Sexism and gender relations” survey was conducted by the IFOP for the specialized site GamerTop.fr from March 17 to 29, 2023, by self-administered questionnaire with a sample of 5,009 people, representative of the French population. aged 15 and over. Of these respondents, 4,018 are (current or past) video game players, including 3,251 active players in the past three months.