40 days summarized in 3 minutes


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On June 12 and 19, 2022, the French voted to elect the new deputies of the XVIth legislature. With 245 seats, the coalition of parties supporting Emmanuel Macron failed to gather an absolute majority. Brut looks back on the last weeks at the National Assembly, between debates and confrontations.

“You are lying against the macronist logic which aims to pay out random bonuses and checks. If you want to fight for the workers in this country, fight for wage increases, don’t accept the logic of bonuses replacing it.” After 40 days of sometimes stormy debates, the deputies are officially on vacation. Back to the moments that should not be missed.

Remember that Parliament is there to control government action and not the other way around !” While the National Assembly is a place of debate and controversy, the deputies do not hesitate to express their disagreements with the government in place as well as the other political parties.

Our responsibility is clear: neither compromise nor small arrangements with a President of the Republic whose shaky orientations we have been contesting since 2017”, announced for example Olivier Marleix, President of the LR parliamentary group. “You are obtuse, you are stubborn, you accuse the Republic on the march of being sectarian and you are right, but in this case, you behave exactly like them, think, please, of the interest of the employees , and in the interest of the French”, expressed Marine le Pen in front of her counterparts.

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