4 tips to stop throwing your food out the window

Food waste is a climate issue in Quebec: it alone is responsible for no less than 4% of the province’s total emissions. This bad habit would also cost households nearly $1,300 a year. Do you know these few tricks to put an end to it?

• Read also: We trivialize food waste

• Read also: Food waste responsible each year for 4% of GHG emissions in Quebec

Demystifying soft carrots and wilted tops

A good way to fight against food waste is to learn about preservation techniques and under-eat foods. For example: the carrots have become all soft after a long stay in the fridge? A cold water bath and they regain their firmness. And their tops then? Hop, that makes a pesto with carrot tops. The Internet is full of tips for storing food properly, cooking the unusual parts or even giving food another life. Great challenges for epicurean eaters who like to discover that the best place for leek tops is in a soup with zucchini!

Discover anti-waste apps

Too Good to go, Backup, FlashFood, Une Bonne Chance or even FoodHero: anti-waste apps compete to wage war on wasted food, to the delight of the climate and the wallet. Why deprive yourself of a grocery bag filled with unsold items of the day or even a good meal from a restaurant for a pokey price? Psst, your favorite business is not on any anti-waste app? Speak in him!

Become an organizational ace

Casually, fighting food waste requires planning and management, while controlling the greedy department. Yes yes ! It all starts with good menu planning so you don’t rob grocery shelves unnecessarily. Then, you have to tame (ahem…manage) your fridge and cupboards to prevent food from perishing in the shadows or fresh produce hiding behind pickles. Make no mistake: this is an art. There are also many blogs and websites to help you in this quest, such as those of Too Good To Go and Trois fois par jour. So, do you REALLY know your fridge?

Take up the food scraps challenge

What to do with a piece of cabbage, a piece of cheese and leftover pasta? Here’s a great riddle for your food creativity (or for the Fridge Magic app). Fighting against food waste is a fun way to discover new recipes and culinary practices. And then, like all challenges, you sometimes have to persevere, but, in the end, what a satisfaction to have saved time, money and greenhouse gases by finishing the leftovers in the fridge!

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