4 injured in Finistère during a menhir lift for the inauguration of Stone Breizh

4 people were injured, this Sunday, July 3, before the lifting of the inaugural menhir of the Stone Breizh project, in Carhaix.

The festive afternoon did not take the expected turn. During the final preparations to lift the 8-meter-long menhir, a chain meant to lift the 30-tonne rock broke and a hoist injured several people, including one of the rope pull coordinators, says our journalist present on the premises.

The events took place in the middle of the afternoon, Sunday July 3, 2022, on the Penn ar Roz site, in Carhaix -Plouguer, in Finistère. The festivities were therefore interrupted following the incident, 13 firefighters quickly intervened on the spot.

The 4 victims are slightly injured and will be transferred to Carhaix hospital. The Châteaulin gendarmerie company has launched an investigation to determine the circumstances of the accident.

The organizers of the event announced in the afternoon that the lifting of the first menhir of Stone Breizh would be done confidentially with the help of a 60-tonne crane. An inauguration, open to the public after the lifting of the menhir, should take place soon, no date has been announced.

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