4 activities in the Alpes-Maritimes tested by parents and children!

Electric boats without an “Electric Boat” license in Mandelieu-La-Napoule

Listen to the opinion of Célia mother tester recreanice.fr


A quiet ride in an electric boat on the Canal de la Siagne in Mandelieu. Boats without a license, very easy to handle. Walk of 30mn to 1h in full nature. During all the All Saints holidays, the treasure hunt turns into a monster hunt. Find the monsters hidden on the banks and win the candy treasure. Come in disguise!

The reduced rate with recreanice.fr is HERE
(€50 for a 1 hour walk with monster hunt)

The Electric Boat pontoon in Mandelieu-La-Napoule


Shows at the Alphabet Theater in Nice

Listen to the opinion of Célia mother tester recreanice.fr


During the All Saints holidays, the program of shows is suitable for children and especially toddlers from 2 years old, with endearing heroes, puppets, music and lots of humour.

On the theme of Halloween, children will have to help characters, who are somewhat unusual heroes: witches, vampires, to succeed in their mission. For example, Count Draculus will need the public’s help to save his Halloween party because the villainous Jack, who is not invited, is determined to ruin the party. 40 min shows.

The reduced rate with recreanice.fr is HERE

While parents rest, kids have fun at Jump Area 06

Listen to the opinions of Tilyan and Kelvyn the sons of Célia mom tester recreanice.fr


Jump Aréa 06 is open every day during school holidays and it’s right next to the hyper immersive “Lasermaxx” indoor laser game with the visual and sound atmosphere of an abandoned radioactive factory. Particular care has been taken with the decorations created by graffiti artists from the region, and with the experience of the players who evolve on 2 floors lit with black light and to gripping music. The equipment is adapted to the morphology of the players to have good freedom of movement, and the laser pistols are easy to handle. Several game modes to compete as a team in the labyrinth.

The reduced rates with recreanice.fr for these activities are HERE

One of the Jump Area 06 rooms


Do you know the tree climbing in Phoenix Park in Nice?

Listen to the opinions of Tilyan and Kelvyn the sons of Célia mom tester recreanice.fr


A tree climbing park both in town and in the heart of nature at Parc Phoenix in Nice. 3 courses for the youngest from 3 years old, a course for the older ones from 8 years old, and small thrilling surprises such as jumping into the void at a height of 10m. The courses are completely secure, you can’t unhook, and there is even a small initiation course to train before leaving and it’s open every day during school holidays.

The reduced rate with récréanice.fr is HERE
(on all courses and also on entry to Parc Phoenix)

One of the activities of the Nissa’venture park at the Phoenix park in Nice

Nicolas Merou

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