4.3 billion euros of unsold non-food items in 2019, reveals the Ecological Transition Agency

A third of these goods produced for nothing are clothing. The renewal of the collections, the lack of sellers and production defects are the cause.

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In 2019, 4.3 billion euros of non-food industrial products were not sold and were manufactured “for nothing”, reveals, Thursday, November 25, Ademe, the Ecological Transition Agency.

Clothing represents a third of the turnover of industrial waste, ahead of cultural goods, including books, and household equipment. Overproduction comes mainly from the renewal of clothing collections but also from the lack of sellers and end buyers, and small defects in the products.

A quarter of these unsold products are recycled. Another part, mainly hygiene products, is donated. Some are destroyed by manufacturers, but they will no longer be able to do so from January, with the entry into force of the anti-waste law.

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