Discovered by the general public during the last Olympic Games where it made its first appearance at this level, the three-on-three basketball, played on a half court, impressed and won over many viewers in July. The discipline, in full swing, will also make its return to the Olympic stage during Paris 2024.
Flag bearer of this intense and spectacular sport, for several years now, the current Montpellier player Migna Touré tells us about his passion and his desire to see it develop. Holder of a teaching diploma in physical education and sports, the young woman of 27 years even created an academy that was close to her heart, last summer, open to over fifteen years, aiming to “offer young people the opportunity to develop their skills technically and physically, thanks to 3×3 basketball. “
When did you start your relationship with 3×3 basketball?
Since very young, in fact, because 3×3 basketball is a street discipline. And I love to play. I always took my ball to go to the playgrounds. We were doing one against one, three against three. So I was naturally oriented towards this discipline. Then, I had the opportunity to do an initiation, with the rules as we know them, at Insep. It was really a crush, a revelation. It was in 2012. And it continued after, in 2015, when I was part of the Landerneau club. Unfortunately, I was injured. But as I was a student, at that time, I found the competition with the university 3×3 basketball championships, which took place in Poitiers in 2015. It was really too good. For me, it was already a great victory because I found basketball and competition, then because I was healed, and a third because I had enjoyed myself. There was level, a good atmosphere, and the setting was really top notch. Beyond the crush, it was love at first sight. The following year, I was called with the France group. Several successes and several failures followed.
It was really a crush, a revelation.
When did 3×3 basketball take off in France?
In other nations it is highly developed. In France, we are still “rookie”. We have a good margin of progression and development with respect to this discipline which has a superb future. I would say there has been a boom since this year. It almost pisses me off to say it, because in reality, it is not only since this year that we can see 3×3, see beautiful basketball and beautiful game. Whether in France and abroad. ‘foreigner. But it is true that the Olympics and the TQO (Olympic Qualification Tournament) made it possible to put this discipline a little more forward, in the eyes of the French.
Everyone has some responsibility in this game
– Philippe Millereau
Are the fun and feelings with three-a-side basketball the same as with five-a-side basketball?
They are really two different disciplines. 3×3 basketball is a discipline that is played on a half court. It might sound small, but it’s actually a huge space, because there are only three of us. It is played in twelve seconds, so we only have the shooting situations once. You have to be aggressive, versatile, strong. Things are going very well, we have to transit, we have to be united. Everyone has some responsibility in this game. Me, personally, I love it. Because you have half a field for yourself, to express yourself. In attack, through shooting, one on one, passing. And in defense, it’s really a duel. That’s what I like about basketball: the notion of a duel is either you or the person in front.
Are you the flagship of the discipline in France?
Yes, in France, but not only. Also on a global scale. I am very honored. And it is also incredible. I arrived there incognito. And today, I am clearly an ambassador, if not the muse, in quotes. It is a source of pride, but also a mission. Through my journey, my game and my experience, I try to encourage people to practice. Already, if they play basketball, it’s a victory. But if they do 3×3 basketball, that’s a plus. I am in the best position to know that. 3×3 basketball allows you to develop yourself: in terms of confidence, fundamentals, responsibility. So yeah, that’s really good.
I am the ambassador and I am very honored
Can we practice 3×3 basketball in all high-level clubs today?
You don’t have to be a top club. All you need is a pitch and a ball. That’s an argument, in my opinion. It is a discipline that can accommodate any type of audience. It just takes willpower, a set-up, and a little bit of curiosity. It’s a discipline that brings together a lot of people. And what’s good is that no matter your profile and your level, you exist in the context of 3×3 basketball.
Have you converted some players from Montpellier, especially young people?
I wouldn’t say that I converted them, but what we were able to do with the national teams shed light on this sport and encouraged young people to follow us. Here, there is in particular Ana-Maria Filip who is with me. It’s a family. And the goal is to be as many as possible.
– JM Garcia
Our intervention goes beyond basketball
To increase the number of members and followers, you have also created the Lokosso Academy: what does it consist of?
It’s several years of work on the project, even if the Covid-19 delayed things, but it allowed us to refine them. It is a camp open to all types of participants, from minors up to 23 years old and even beyond. We are interested in the needs of young basketball players. I put myself in their shoes, I wondered what I would have liked at their age. I built this project with a whole staff: coaches, including individuals, physiotherapists, physical trainers, etc. Our intervention goes beyond basketball, the idea is to give a vision on the future and the possibilities for a young person. As I said, 3×3 basketball empowers people, and it is therefore in this dynamic that we set up the project. We offer courses of one or two weeks, within the TSF platform (Tremplin Sport Formation), in Voiron, in full board. There is no limit, but we are counting on 24 young people for each session, in order to allow true individualization. And then we are working on the possibility of exporting the academy elsewhere, to other cities and all year round.
I support my mother, but also my friends
– Lokosso Academy
You are therefore involved in the associative field: I let myself be told that it was in the family DNA, and in particular maternal. It’s true ?
Yes. A few years ago, my mother created a humanitarian association (Sabouniuma) which comes to the aid of populations far from medical care and education, in the small village of Gouana, near Bamako, in Mali. We created a maternity unit, which is now independent, and a nursery school which welcomes children born in the maternity unit.. I support my mother, but also my friends involved in other projects. This is the case of Abi Gueye, in particular, who created the Terang’Aby association for women in Senegal. There is also the Grow association, which allows, throughout West Africa, to train women in their native language in the professions necessary for the development and autonomy of a country. Training is done digitally, with an application that has been created.
Paris 2024 is already tomorrow!
Is Paris 2024 already in the back of your mind?
Me, I operate with objectives. Paris 2024, it’s already tomorrow. As a nation, I hope we will prepare for this event. What I take away from Tokyo is that the Games are the biggest event, the biggest tournament that can exist. I have never seen such a level, in all areas of sport it was incredible. I’m still a competitor, I’m quite frustrated to have finished fourth. But I tell myself that it remains a lesson and an experience that we will have in addition, compared to some, to try to achieve the best result during Paris 2024. And I repeat, it is already tomorrow.
The biggest deadline, the biggest tournament that can exist (…) It was incredible!
However, you may be called with the France team at five rather than three?
It’s a chance to be able to say that we are re-engaging in an Olympic campaign, a chance to have already participated in the Olympics. I am currently involved with 5×5 basketball. Corn regardless of the terrain, the selection will make its choice, and I will give my all whatever happens.
– Lokosso Academy