3rd link: the CAQ has learned nothing from its fiasco!

One would have thought that the Legault government would have learned the lessons of the spectacular fiasco of the 3rd link.

• Read also – Redacted costs of the 3rd link: the opposition parties do not believe François Legault

• Read also – 3rd link: ‘I don’t consider it a broken promise,’ says Legault

One would have thought that the next time, François Legault and his ministers would play the card of transparency.

But no !

They continue !

They hide studies, keep costs vague, promise that the new 3rd link will be ready in 2026 when they don’t even know what it will consist of!

Made there, it is not an error.

This is downright amateurish!

Not to say masochism!


” How much will it cost ?

– We do not know !

– What will roll in the tunnel? A train ? A tramway ? Buses? A subway ?

– We do not know ! But we know that you will have it, yes! »

It’s as if a producer decided to give a sequel to a turnip that had crashed royally at the box office…

By popular demand: Les Dangereux 2!

And the worst is that this new version of the 3rd link will probably never see the light of day.

Who is willing to spend billions of dollars so that a handful of civil servants can take the bus to go for their brisk walk at 4:30 p.m. in the woods behind their bungalow?

Instead of taking advantage of the imminent arrival of summer to yank the bandage off, the Legault government lets the suspense last, as if it wanted it to hurt a little longer!

Looks like a good guy who can’t tell his girlfriend he’s leaving…

First, he says he needs time to think. Then he says that he distances himself to better save his couple. Then he announces that he is going to take an apartment because he has read in an old Châtelaine who was hanging out in the dentist’s waiting room that nothing kills a couple like daily routine.

Then he tells his girlfriend that maybe they should both take a break. Then he suggests that they should try the “open couple”. Then…

Cibole, muster up your courage and consecrate your camp!


“There Must Be 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover,” sang Paul Simon.

Likewise, there must be 75 different ways to announce to your constituents that you are putting a DEFINITIVE end to a project that you had promised to carry out…

Pull the plug once and for all and let’s not talk about it anymore, Mr. Legault!

Let your project die with dignity!

Have pity on Bernard Drainville!

Don’t send it to the front yet armed with an old First World War musket!

A little sympathy!

Sounds like an intern desperately trying to revive a patient who’s just had a massive heart attack.

“Leave him alone, François, you can clearly see that your project is dead…

– No ! No ! I refuse ! You’ll see, I’ll save him!

– It doesn’t work, François! Look at the machine, his heart is no longer beating, his encephalogram is flat…

– No ! Nooooooooo!!!! »

One wonders what is the strategy behind this stubbornness.

If the Legault government wants to dig something at all costs, well, let it dig a grave for this stillborn project and move on to something else…

Happiness breeds!

Message to teachers who are freaking out: can you stop copying your teaching methods from those used by the depressive teacher played by Michel Charrette in Le Bonheur?

It was funny when he yelled at his students, insulted them and turned his desk upside down, but it was a COMEDY! The authors, François Avard and Daniel Gagnon, were ironic, second degree!

Want inspiration from a movie? Watch The Dead Poets Society, with Robin Williams.

A teacher who teaches his students to appreciate poetry and to stand up for their ideas.

He is a model!

The low blow of François Legault

According to François Legault, if Paul St-Pierre-Plamondon was elected in the riding of Camille-Laurin, it was because the QS candidate had been caught red-handed stealing PQ leaflets.

This is called “a blow below the belt”.

Our PM is playing a dangerous game in making such claims.

Indeed, some gossips might wonder if the CAQ would have performed as well during the last elections if it hadn’t lied about the third link!

A game like this is played by two…

Canada is an inflatable country

According to the Fraser Institute, nearly one in four Canadians works for the federal government.

In 2019-20, the federal government spent $46.3 billion on its public service. Two years later, this amount had risen to 60.7 billion, a record increase of 31%!

Between 2015 and 2021, Ottawa hired 50,000 more civil servants!

Did it improve anything in the country? To ask the question, is to answer it…

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