38.5% of strikers according to the ministry, 75% according to the first primary union

Unions and the Ministry of Education released their figures on the mobilization of teachers on Thursday. Very different estimates.

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Battle of numbers. Nearly 38.5% of teachers are on strike in schools Thursday, January 13, according to the Ministry of Education, to protest against the “mess” caused by the multiplication of health protocols, while the SNUipp, the first primary union, announces 75% of strikers. On the side of the Ministry of the Interior, it is claimed that 77,500 people demonstrated, including 8,200 in Paris.

One in two primary schools is closed, according to the SNUipp-FSU. This “is not a strike against the virus but it illustrates the growing fed up in schools”, according to this union, with reference to the remarks of the Minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, who had spoken of a “strike against the virus”.

In colleges and high schools, 23.7% of teachers are mobilized, according to the ministry, while the Snes-FSU, the leading secondary school union, announces 62% of strikers. “The strike is in the majority and shows strong anger in the educational community”, underlines this union.

All the teachers’ unions, joined in particular, more rarely, by the national education inspectors or the heads of establishments, called for a strike and demonstrations during the day, denouncing “an indescribable mess” due to health protocols.

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