36th Cabourg Film Festival

It is one of biggest national film events taking place in Normandy: the Cabourg Film Festival. For five days, the public is invited to discover movies from around the world around the theme of romanticism and great feelings. More fifty movies are screened in theaters in Cabourg, Dives-sur-Mer and Houlgate.

Two juries award the Prizes for the first meetings, on Friday June 17, and the Swann d’Or Saturday, June 18. The Audience Award is given to the film in the Panorama category that has been the most popular with the public. Six films are in competition in the feature film category, nine in the short film category.

Feature film competition jury: Diane Kurys, Astrid Berges-Frisbey, Lucas Bravo, Michael Fessler, Stephane de Groodt, Sebastien Lifshitz, Alexandre Mattiussi, Julia Piaton, Atiq Rahimi, Sylvie TestudAnamarie Vartolomei.

Short film competition jury: Claire Burger, Samuel Theis, Alice David, Leo Dussollier, Mariama Gueye, Superpoze, Djebril Zonga.

France Bleu Normandie partner of the Cabourg Film Festival

Friday June 17, France Bleu Normandie settles in the salons of the Grand Hôtel de Cabourg for a live broadcast from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.

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