350 prisoners transferred in the middle of the night




Article written by

C. Arnold, E. Daeschler, B. Tanguy – France 2

France Televisions

Exceptional move to Alsace. 350 prisoners changed their place of incarceration during the night of November 9 to 10.

Transfer under high security and closed area. During the night of November 9 to 10, the 350 inmates of the Mulhouse remand center (Haut-Rhin) were transferred to the brand new penitentiary center built six kilometers on the outskirts of the city, in Lutterbach. The sweeping of the buses will have lasted more than eight hours.

Many troops from the national police and the gendarmerie were requisitioned for the occasion to ensure rotations. Inside the new prison, prison officers took over. Each detainee had to be registered, linked to a jail number, as if he had just been incarcerated. Again, not a minute was to be wasted. In the quarters, the inmates discovered their new cell, individual for the majority. Nothing to do with their conditions of detention a few hours earlier. Commissioned in 1870, the Mulhouse remand center was dilapidated and overcrowded.

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