350 people gathered in Laval for the May Day mobilization

The May Day demonstration brought together around 350 people on the Human Rights forecourt in Laval. They responded to the call of the inter-union FO, CGT, Sud and Solidaire de la Mayenne. It’s here unions’ first show of force since re-election by Emmanuel Macron, a week ago.

The demonstrators wanted to question the head of state on the pension reform. This is the case of Stéphane, he is a maintenance technician in a food company. “With the re-election of Emmanuel Macron _we expect the worst_. We do not want retirement at 65 as he proposes”he explains.

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Many claims

The demonstrators also mobilized for other reasons. “I am retired from the National Educationsays John. I am here to make Emmanuel Macron understand that he must respect all the people who voted for him and therefore change the policy he has planned.”

Gilles is a history and geography teacher in middle school. On his sign it reads:Don’t mess around Manu, react before it blows up“. He came to demonstrate for denounce the climate emergency and the social situation of the country. “I think there is a lot of expectation for the next five years”he predicts.

In the procession, there is also Guillaume. “I am here because I ssupport the program led by insubordinate FranceI communicate around that, to make known the proposals, the points of view and try to create alliances.”

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