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The 345 employees of Valdunes, near Valenciennes in the North, are currently in a meeting with management. Their company, which specializes in the manufacture of axles and wheels for railways, has just lost its main Chinese shareholder. The point with Alexandre Portes, live from Trith-Saint-Léger.
“The meeting between the unions and the management should end in the next few minutes. The 345 employees should be fixed on their future. Valdunes is the last company in France to manufacture wheels for trains”, reports Alexandre Portes, from Trith-Saint-Léger (North), Friday, May 5. The company is also in deficit, nearly 2 million euros per month.
Loss of know-how
Thursday, May 4, the Chinese MA Steel, “indicated that he would no longer invest a penny. The employees began an indefinite strike. About sixty are in front of the factory. They accuse the shareholder of having bought Valdunes solely for its patents, without the intention of the company. save”relates Alexandre Portes. “Many denounce a waste, the loss of know-how. Is this the end of Valdunes? The employees should be fixed very soon, but their future looks difficult”concludes the journalist.