Gabriel Attal, visiting the Dijon University Hospital on Saturday, promised “an additional 32 billion euros” for the health system in the next five years, citing a “massive investment” for the public hospital, described as a “national treasure”. “.
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“It seems colossal on paper, we take note, it’s good news, it remains to be seen how it will be effective”reacts Saturday January 13 on franceinfo Louis Soulat, vice-president of SAMU Urgences de France, head of Emergencies at Rennes University Hospital, after the announcement by Prime Minister Gabriel Attal.
The head of government promised during a visit to the Dijon University Hospital, with the Minister of Health, Labor and Solidarity Catherine Vautrin, “32 billion additional euros” for the health system in the next five years, promising the continuation of a “massive investment” for the public hospital which he described as “national treasure”.
However, Louis Soulat underlines that the problem currently encountered by the hospital, and in particular emergencies, “does not come down to a problem of financing, but above all of living conditions with the lack of beds”. The vice-president of SAMU Urgences de France points out that at the Lille maternity ward, “patients are diverted to other maternity wards due to lack of doctors”. Louis Soulat therefore affirms that“we must attack the project of attractiveness”.
“We can hope that we will finally revalue night work and on-call work, given the arduousness which is still insufficiently remunerated.”
Louis Soulatat franceinfo
“We also hear, he continues, that the training centers are not full, whether for caregivers or nurses.” The vice-president of SAMU Urgences de France recognizes that “to improve the premises”this money is “a very good thing”but it is also necessary “find human resources” And “make you want” for candidates for health professions.
Louis Soulat also specifies that he “expects a lot from this minister, Catherine Vautrin, the seventh” to occupy the position of Health since the start of Emmanuel Macron’s presidency.