313 breaches of the principle of secularism were reported in secondary schools in September

During the month of September 2022, 313 reports of attacks on the principle of secularism were recorded in the 59,260 schools and secondary establishments, according to a press release from the Ministry of National Education and Youth. There is no significant increase compared to the previous period, namely April-May-June, when the data was calculated quarterly and not monthly.

>>> Attacks on secularism at school: Minister Pap Ndiaye announces “an increase in reports” since the start of the school year

More than half of the facts (51%) were recorded in high schools, 36% in colleges and 13% in the first degree. As in the previous period, the overwhelming majority are reports concerning pupils (82%), 8% of the facts concern members of staff, 5% parents of pupils and 5% other perpetrators.

On the other hand, attacks on secularism linked to the wearing of religious clothing and symbols are on the rise. In September, they represent more than half of the reports made by school heads (54%), compared to 41% last spring. It is a question of wearing abayas and qamis in particular, these long tunics worn during traditional Muslim festivals which cover almost the entire body, with the exception of the head, hands and feet. These clothes are prohibited in schools in accordance with the 2004 law on secularism in schools.

The other facts concern “suspicion of proselytism”, which concerns 8% of reports (stable figure), “refusal of school activity”, which represents 7% of cases (compared to 13% during the last study), “teaching challenge” in 7% of cases (against 10%), “community demands” which concern 7% of reports, (against 9% over the previous period), “verbal provocations” in 5% cases (against 7%) or even “a refusal of republican values” in 2% of cases (against 3% compared to the previous period).

At the request of Minister Pap Ndiaye, the summaries of these reports went from a quarterly rhythm to a monthly rhythm, from September 2022. From April to July 2022, 904 reports had been recorded. The Values ​​of the Republic academic teams (EAVR), which “provide the necessary help and support to educational teams to enforce the principle of secularism at school”received 221 requests for advice (493 over the period from April to July 2022), according to the press release.

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