30th edition of the “Magical Nights” Festival in Bègles

The “Magical Nights” festival, organized by the Bègles Festival team, aims to promote the richness and diversity of animated cinema by showing animated short and feature films from all over the world and using multiple and varied animation techniques (cartoons, cut papers, plasticine, puppets, computer graphics, animated painting, mixture of techniques …).

Michel Ocelot

This year, “Les Nuits Magiques” will focus on the work of director Michel Ocelot (“Kirikou”, “Azur et Asmar”, “Dilili in Paris”), who is also the sponsor of the Cinema Festival de Bègles. You will be able to rediscover his first short films during a special day, Sunday December 5 (from 2:30 p.m.): “The beautiful girl and the sorcerer”, “Icarus”, “The prince of the Jewels”, “Shepherdess who dances”, “The legend of the poor hunchback” and “The three inventors” filmed between 1979 and 1992.

In the program :

Wednesday December 1: Opening evening in partnership with the ARTE television channel at 8:30 p.m. (cocktail at 7:30 p.m.)

• 4 international competition programs for animated short films with 44 films in competition.

(Teenagers / adults). The public votes to determine the winning films.

• 1 short film competition program for “young audiences” (from 7 years old) with 9 films in the running.

• ARTE opening night: “Animals on all floors”.

• Homage to René Laloux.

• Short films by Michel Ocelot (sponsor of the Le Festival de Bègles cinema).

• Carte blanche to Marmita Films (Bordeaux production company).

• A program of naughty short films.

• Specific programming for young audiences and schools.

• Feature film “Ruben Brandt, Collector” (Hungary).

• Previews (“Dragon Princess”, “Tous en scene 2”).

• Animagic Quiz (30 years of animated films).

• Improciné (improvisations by actors around animated short films).

• Master Class with director Bruno Collet.

• Exhibitions “The hidden treasures of Michel Ocelot”, “Marlou films”, “30 years of Magical Nights”.

Prices :

– Public screenings: € 5 (except ImproCiné, from € 10 to € 12)
– Special card (competitions 1, 2, 3 and 4 + one free entry): 20 €
– School sessions and leisure center: € 3.50 from 10 children by reservation at [email protected] (Exempt accompanying persons)

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