30,454 new cases identified in the last 24 hours against 19,778 a week ago

There are 8,525 people hospitalized for a coronavirus infection, including 1,455 in intensive care.

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A significant increase. More than 30,450 new cases of Covid-19 have been detected in the past 24 hours in France, according to the latest data published by Public Health France, Tuesday, November 23. A week ago, on Tuesday November 16, 19,778 new cases of Covid-19 had been identified.

Evolution of the number of new cases tested positive for covid-19 in France, November 23, 2021. & nbsp;  (FRANCEINFO)

There are 8,525 people hospitalized for a coronavirus infection, including 1,455 in intensive care. As of Tuesday, November 16, 7,535 people were hospitalized, including 1,277 in intensive care.

Evolution of the number of hospitalizations in France, November 23, 2021. & nbsp;  (FRANCEINFO)

192 patients have entered intensive care in the past 24 hours (they were 135 a week ago) and there are 759 new hospitalizations (against 647 a week ago), according to data published by Public Health France. 84 people died in 24 hours in hospital, reports Public Health France against 48 a week ago.

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