3,000 revelers gathered in a rave party since this Friday evening

Since this Friday, revelers have gathered in a former mining wasteland for a rave party in Dordogne, in Jumilhac-le-Grand. This Saturday evening, 3,000 people are present.

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About 3,000 revelers have gathered since Saturday evening on a former mining wasteland in Jumilhac-le-Grand, north of the Dordogne, reports France Bleu Périgord. This event started Friday night and is set to last all weekend. Significant gendarmerie resources were deployed on the spot.

Access to this site is prohibited, the Périgueux prosecution confirmed to France Bleu. Partygoers blew up gates to get in. “It’s an obviously surprised evening, the place is dangerous, the ground is not stable and probably toxic“, said the mayor of Jumilhac-le-Grand Annick Maurussane.

All the roads are blocked by the gendarmerie. 150 gendarmes are on the ground to surround the site and prevent new arrivals from entering.

Several residents of the area have denounced nuisances and filed a complaint for “noise”. The prosecutor of Périgueux has opened an investigation for “non-prior declaration of a festive gathering”, “noise pollution” and “degradation”. No partygoers have yet been taken into custody.

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