300 people pay homage to him in Irun

More than 300 people gathered on Sunday, November 21 in San Juan Square in Irun, on the Franco-Spanish border, to pay tribute to the migrant who died Saturday, November 20 while trying to cross the Bidasoa river to reach France. A long minute of silence was observed, reports France Bleu Pays Basque.

The Spanish authorities are trying to identify this young man of North African origin. Since the start of the year, three migrants have drowned in this river which acts as a natural border between France and Spain.

“The problem is not Bidassoa. That is the consequence. The problem is that people who have no future look for it in Europe. And they find themselves with obstacles, like the borders we have between us “, protests Iñaki. This pensioner who sees migrants every day wandering in Hondabirria where he lives, dreams of “corridors to protect these people to the country they are targeting.” This gathering was organized by the Irungo Harrera Sarea association.

“The French government should respect the free movement of people in the Schengen area.”

Ion Aranguren, one of the members of the Irungo Harrera Sarea association

at France Bleu Pays Basque

No migrant was present for this tribute. However, a few minutes before the Basques took possession of the place, there were about forty of them wondering how to cross the border, says France Bleu Pays Basque. Among them, Issa, a young Ivorian adult. “We have been informed of the sad news. It discourages us, but there is nothing we can do about it, we deal with the stress, the fear …”, he explains.

Ion Aranguren assures us that he advises migrants every day against crossing the river which “is treacherous” because according to him “When you look at the Bidassoa, you say to yourself, it’s very small after crossing the Mediterranean. But there are strong currents, and you stay deep in the mud up to your waist. And that’s what happens. . “ But between staying here or risking your life, “they all choose the second option, and some lose it in this river”, regrets the volunteer.

A second tribute will be paid to this migrant on Monday 22 November, in Hendaye (Pyrénées-Atlantiques). A human chain will be organized at 7 p.m. at the Saint-Jacques bridge.

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