The Clos Vougeot hall at the Palais des Congrès in Dijon was full last night for Nathalie Arthaud’s meeting, the candidate of the Lutte Ouvrière party. 300 people were present to support the presidential candidate who currently has 0.5% of the voting intentions.
The war in Ukraine as an indicator of inequalities
Nathalie Arthaud opened her meeting with this news: the war in Ukraine. For the Lutte Ouvrière candidate, this is an event that reveals even more inequalities, especially between refugees. She denounces a “Two weights, two measures” in the treatment between Ukrainian refugees and those of other nationalities. “It’s racism, plain and simple, and it’s unacceptable.” She hopes that this war will change mentalities.
Of course we must welcome all refugees
Retirement at 60 to maintain workers’ rights
At our microphone, Nathalie Arthaud reacts to Emmanuel Macron’s proposal to raise the retirement age to 65: “I would fight to the end against this ignominy”. For her, it is a way to lower retirement pensions: “60 years is the healthy life expectancy of a worker, so that means that many will not be able to enjoy their retirement”, explains the presidential candidate. It calls for mobilization against this proposal.
The candidate remains behind in the voting intentions
For the moment, the Lutte Ouvrière candidate remains at 0.5% of voting intentions. As a reminder, in the 2017 presidential election, it had obtained a score of 0.63% in Côte-d’Or and 0.53% in Dijon. A figure lower than the national average, since it had obtained 0.64% of the votes.
– Visactu