300 people denounce the decision of the administrative court of Pau

The militants did not take off. This Wednesday they were about three hundred gathered in front of the headquarters of the agglomeration Basque Country in Bayonne to show their disagreement with the decision taken by the administrative court of Pau. At the end of last week, the judicial institution indeed suspended the new regulations voted by the Basque Country conurbation which set up a compensation rule to owners of furnished tourist accommodation. The court argued, among other things, that this measure was too restrictive and was not applicable.

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In front of the headquarters of the Basque Country agglomeration, several representatives of the platform formally structured since Saturday “Vivre au pays / Herrian Bizi”, took the floor to denounce this decision. They were then able to discuss with several elected officials from the agglomeration, including its president Jean-René Etchegaray to officially ask him for a meeting, precisely to move this file forward. The activists asked the president of the agglomeration what it was possible to do politically while awaiting the decision on the merits of the dispute.

The activists of the “Vivre au pays / Herrian Bizi” platform were able to meet the elected representatives of the Basque Country conurbation © Radio France
Anthony Michael

The three arguments put forward to justify this decision are quite questionable.” advances the president of the agglomeration Jean-René Etchegaray

The president of the Basque Country conurbation confirmed to them that indeed a appeal was in preparation. It would be filed with the Council of State before the June 18 deadline. “The process can take up to a year“, warns the one who is also mayor of Bayonne. He nevertheless adds that he wants to take legal action once again, explaining that “the code of administrative justice offers the possibility of returning before the same judge to re-examine him on certain very specific points”. Thus, Jean-René Etchegaray hopes to be able “remove these few doubts that may exist in the judge’s mind and perhaps make him reconsider his decision”.

The elected officials of the agglomeration and the representatives of the “Vivre au Pays / Herrian Bizi” platform have agreed to meet at a meeting on Wednesday, June 15th.

Around Txetx Etcheverry, representatives of the platform "Living in the country / Herrian Bizi" asked for a meeting with the president of the Basque Country conurbation on the housing file
Around Txetx Etcheverry, representatives of the “Vivre au pays / Herrian Bizi” platform have requested an appointment with the president of the Basque Country conurbation on the housing file © Radio France
Anthony Michael

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