300 Emmaus members fast for 24 hours in support of the hunger strike

These companions, volunteers and employees want to show their solidarity with Anaïs Vogel and Ludovic Holbein, two local activists who started their action a month ago.

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More than 300 members of Emmaus began a “symbolic fast” of 24 hours, Wednesday November 10 at 8 am, in support of the two hunger strikers in Calais (Pas-de-Calais), who denounce the policy of the State with regard to migrants. These hundreds of companions, volunteers or employees of Emmaus want to show their solidarity with “Anaïs [Vogel] and Ludovic [Holbein]”, but also with “those who have been fighting for years so that exiled people are finally considered and treated with dignity.”

For a month, local activists Anaïs Vogel and Ludovic Holbein have stopped eating to demand a priority for a moratorium on the dismantling of camps during winter in the border town with the United Kingdom. Initially, 72-year-old priest Philippe Demeestère was the third hunger striker, but last week he ended his action.

The government dispatched a mediator to the site on October 27 to find a way out of the crisis. This mediation, led by the Director General of Ofii (French Office for Immigration and Integration) Didier Leschi, is still ongoing.

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