“We work for humans, we want resources! » The banner held by the demonstrators summarizes the demands of the caregivers present on Tuesday June 7 in the streets of Bordeaux. They denounce abandonment, lack of recognition, low pay, and increasingly difficult working conditions.
The Covid pandemic has brought this crisis to light, but it is not the trigger in the eyes of François, an executive at the Pellegrin hospital: “Before the Covid, the situation was already serious. We close beds from year to year, we cannot reopen them because we are understaffed. We are unable to retain the staff we have and now we are less and less attractive. The future of the hospital is really very dark. »
Some, like Christine, 55, have not kept up. Former medical regulation assistant at the SAMU, she converted after a burnout : “The work was exciting at first. It became more and more difficult and demanding. We are never sure of having our holidays, we must be available 24 hours a day in the event of a red plan. We don’t have a family life. »
“Doctors spend more time finding beds than treating”
She says she is disgusted, like Lydia, 57, who works in consultation at Pellegrin Hospital: “In the emergency room, we see doctors who spend more time finding beds than caring for patients. »
– Valentin Larquier
In the early afternoon, the procession took the direction of the town hall. Pierre Hurmic spoke to these angry caregivers. Ensuring that emergencies are well taken care of at the CHU Pellegrinhe does not deny the difficulties encountered: “The emergency crisis is the symptom of the major deterioration of the French public healthcare system over the past twenty years. This crisis is not just Bordeaux. I made the decision to write to the new Minister of Health, Brigitte Bourguignon. »
The procession then took the direction of the prefecture, where a delegation of white coats was received.