300 additional vaccination centers to come


Article written by

A.Jolly, B.Véran, A.Etienne, L. Lemoigne, H. Pozzo, R.Massini, L. Sabas – France 2

France Televisions

DOn the government side, the stated objective is to be able to spend Christmas with the family. For this, we must highlight the acceleration of vaccination and try to cope with the fifth wave, which reached Friday, December 3 nearly 50,000 cases in 24 hours in the territory, against 34,000 approximately last week.

A quick appointment for a vaccine booster is a bit of a rare find at the moment. Since the government announcements, the wait times on this platform have never been longer. In the Haut-Rhin, it is an itinerant truck that goes to meet the inhabitants. He has been living in Mulhouse for a few days. The volunteers, many, come here, for lack of being able to book online.

“I said to myself that it was now or never to give my injection quickly”, explains a resident. The truck also makes it possible to go and look for populations that are isolated. “This vaccination truck was designed for people who are far removed from digital technology and healthcare”, details Frédéric Tryniszewski, doctor, president of the territorial professional communities of health (CPTS) of Mulhouse agglomeration. And to accelerate the pace, the government promises the opening of 300 additional vaccination centers in the coming days.


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