30 years in prison for having stabbed his girlfriend 59 times

The Assize Court of Bouches-du-Rhône hits hard. In a long-awaited verdict, the 45-year-old man, guilty of having stabbed his ex-girlfriend 59 times in December 2018, finally receives a 30 years of criminal imprisonment, including 20 years of security. This is the maximum sentence.

At first instance, the ex-companion had been sentenced to 25 years in prison for attempted murder, accompanied by five years of socio-judicial follow-up and an obligation of psychiatric care.

The victim, Aurélie, is a true miracle. Before the trial, this 44-year-old Toulonnaise and mother of three children, mentioned on France Blue Provence the “Mountain” she had to face again. “When you are recognized as a victim, it feels good, you feel protected and secure.”

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