Brazil salutes the memory of the Formula 1 legend, who died suddenly on the Imola circuit in Italy on May 1, 1994.
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On Copacabana Beach, the Ayrton Senna statue is a must-stop for his fans. Visiting Rio de Janeiro, Samuel couldn’t pass by without paying a little tribute. “It’s another year that we spend without him… Today it’s an honor to take a photo next to Ayrton Senna. He’s not just my idol, he’s that of all Brazilians”, he confides.
Like Samuel, an entire country is commemorating the legend of Formula 1 this Wednesday, May 1. Since his brutal accident on that fateful May Day 30 years ago on the Imola circuit in Italy, the country remains marked by the trajectory of this extraordinary pilot.
And his memory still remains vivid in everyone’s minds. It must be said that his sudden death, at the height of his career and live on television, is part of the Brazilian collective memory, assures Daniel Paschoa, head of a fan club.
“Everyone remembers what they did on May Day”
Daniel Paschoa, at the head of a fan clubat franceinfo
“All of a sudden, he got lost in this turn and left an orphaned nation. It’s impossible to forget these kinds of events that are so significant. It’s a bit like the attacks on the Twin Towers, everyone knows exactly where he was when he heard the news.”remembers Daniel.
Turning the pages of a catalog retracing Senna’s legendary races, Daniel explains why he is still so important to Brazilians. “There was a serious economic crisis. The Brazilian had an inferiority complex compared to other countries. Ayrton Senna changed that, he put in the minds of an entire country that we could get out of it and conquer. And that is priceless in a country that faces so many difficulties.”
A very well maintained memory
For Rafael Lopes, journalist specializing in Formula 1, his myth crosses generations thanks to the work of those around him. “The work they do to constantly launch new products, promote actions in his name, always celebrate important anniversaries, it all makes a huge difference. So any event involving Senna generates a lot of excitement. ‘interest and audiences’explains the specialist.
“Along with Pelé, he is certainly the greatest Brazilian athlete. But his family managed his image better.”
Rafael Lopes, journalist specializing in F1at franceinfo
For this very special May Day, the country is not skimping on the celebrations, between a marathon on a Formula 1 circuit, a huge exhibition in his honor and a documentary on the main Brazilian channel. As proof that despite the passing decades, the legend of Ayrton Senna still remains intact in Brazil.