You most certainly know that water represents 60 to 70% of the human body. However, every day, we lose a considerable amount of water which is eliminated through urine, breathing, perspiration or even tears. To ensure optimal functioning of the body, this loss of water must imperatively be compensated. And for that, no miracle, you just have to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water a day.
> Drink water to have prettier skin : if you have acne, imperfections or a dull complexion, know that in addition to a care routine, water is essential because it eliminates the toxins responsible for the proliferation of bacteria on the surface of the skin .
> Drink water to boost hair growth: hair does not grow if your body lacks water! The growth of hair fibers is indeed linked to a sufficient supply of water since the molecules of hydrogen (water) favor the growth and reproduction of cells.
> Drink water to lose weight: it’s not a myth! In the same way that water flushes out toxins that cause acne, it flushes out toxins and waste from the body and gut. The more you drink, the more you will want to urinate… and this urine directly eliminates toxins. Also, water promotes good digestion and transit, which means that you do not store fat…
But drinking water remains an ordeal for many people. Some are used to juices and sodas, others are simply “not thirsty”. Here are three tips that will help you rethink your relationship to
1# Invest in a smart water bottle
To be sure to drink enough water during the day, Kylie Jenner uses graduated water bottles. These plastic gourds, also presented in the form of glass bottles, have graduations that indicate the times at which you should drink, and the quantity you should drink. This playful way forces you to have reached the next graduation before a specific time, which means that you drink unconsciously, simply to respect the doses… and finish before the end of the day. Very practical, they can be taken everywhere, such as at work but also for sports.
Sport 1L water bottle with straw and time marker – €15.99

Sports water bottle with 2.5L straw and time marker – GLAXCIDY (via Amazon) – €21.99
2# Testing a revolutionary technology that makes water “taste”
If you are a fan of flavored drinks and you like when the water has “taste”, this method is for you! Air-Up is a technique that is currently making the buzz because it is the first drinking system that allows us to drink water while having the impression that it is flavored. Revolutionary, the technique is based on the retro-olfaction of our body. The sign has developed a gourd on which we just clip a flavored pod. The magic then works because the system plays on the ability to perceive odors through the mouth. Odors reach the olfactory system located in the nose through the throat. The brain then identifies them as a taste. So we have the impression of drinking flavored water while the bottle is simply filled with pure water. No more sodas or other drinks that are too sweet but also, no more disposable bottles, sources of plastic waste. In addition to helping us drink more, the brand has participated since its launch in saving 3 million 1L single-use plastic bottles, and more than 3 million liters of flavored water have been consumed!

Starter Kit with 2 pods – AIR UP – €39.95
3# Flavor your water with infusions that give beautiful skin
After being prone to late-onset (adulthood) acne themselves for years, and after having tried almost every treatment on the market, two sisters, Fleur and Amélie, decided to rethink the fight against acne. buttons. After more than a year of research, they launched their own solution, the Skin & Out brand, developed with doctors and health experts. This solution translates into a range of food supplements with a well-thought-out composition, a cleanser that gently purifies but also and above all a collection of herbal teas responding to the various problems of late-onset acne. Among the best-sellers, “Hormonal Acne” herbal teas which, as the name suggests, help the body better manage excess sebum during menstruation. If the composition of the herbal tea is already designed to cleanse the skin, drinking water is also a plus! It is eaten hot or cold, according to your tastes and you can observe the quality of your skin improving over the sips.

Hormonal Acne Herbal Tea – SKIN & OUT – 16€
Elizabeth Sall