3 things you probably didn’t know about the 26-year-old cesarean actress

This Wednesday evening, Arte offers its viewers the film by André Téchiné “Farewell to the Night”, with Catherine Deneuve, Kacey Mottet Klein, Oulaya Amamra, Stéphane Bak and Mohamed Djouhri. This drama, presented at the Berlinale in the Official Selection in 2019, tells the story of a 20-year-old young man (Kacey Mottet Klein), visiting his grandmother (Catherine Deneuve), who has become radicalized and projects secretly to go to Syria.

To play the hero’s girlfriend, Oulaya Amamra was chosen. And here are 3 things you might not know about her:

– The role that revealed her was not at the beginning not for her:
Stunned by cinema from the age of 9, Oulaya Amamra was revealed to the general public, receiving the César for best female hope for “divine”, in 2017. The film, directed by his sister, Houda Benyamina, also received the Camera d’Or at the 2016 Cannes Film Festival Directors’ Fortnight. It was by passing the casting against the advice of her sister that she convinced her.

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– Solid training:
Before joining the 2020 class of the National Conservatory of Dramatic Arts in 2017, Oulaya Amamra did fifteen years of classical dance and went to a private Catholic high school. She took her first acting lessons at the MJC in Viry-Châtillon, at the age of 12.

– Already a first scandal:
Crowned in 2017 at the César, at the age of 21, Oulaya Amamra was the subject of a big controversy. During the ceremony, tweets of a homophobic and racist nature were unearthed on the Web. The subject had even become a hashtag #OulayaAmamra, very commented on the social network. On France 2, about these messages written 7 years earlier, she then defended herself “My look, it has changed since I was 14 (sic), I have evolved, I have grown “.


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