3 things to know about the privileged relationship that French actor Gérard Depardieu has with Vladimir Poutine

The French actor has never hidden his attachment to Russia. For several years, Gérard Depardieu spent his time between France and the country of Vladimir Poutine. A loyalty thanked by the President, who offered him nationality in 2013. But what is hidden behind this friendship?

Gérard Depardieu ready to defend Vladimir Poutine against everything

The two men met in Sochi. Since then, their friendship has been unbreakable. Now of Russian nationality since 2013, the father of Julie Depardieu defends the Russian President against all odds. Like his words in Le Parisien in 2016: “He is decried. He gave the Russians, his people, the opportunity to find their land, to work it. He’s an interesting man, regardless of what the media thinks of him.”. It is said.

They are in love with Russia

For his part, the Russian President obviously never intends to let go of the reins of the country. A great admirer of his country’s past, Vladimir Putin intends to make it a world glory. For his part, Gérard Depardieu is also a fan of this immense country with extreme weather conditions: “I adore your country, Russia, its men, its history, its writers. I love your culture and your intelligence” he exclaimed in the Russian media in 2013.

They don’t like taxes

Gérard Depardieu initially fled France when François Hollande was in power, in order to escape rising wealth taxes. Initially on the way to Belgium, the one who is nicknamed “I escape tax” on the Web will finally end his journey in Russia. After a lynching by several French actors, the KGB will meddle in history, and Vladimir Poutine will offer him freedom, and less taxes.

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