3 questions to Fabien Onteniente who presents a preview of his film shot in the Dordogne

Fabien Ontenientethe director of the saga Campingdecided to adapt the novel by Christian Signal. Mathilde Seigner and Gerard Lavin there embodies a couple from Périgourdins who take in Jewish children during the Second World War.
The TV movie, in partnership with France Bleu, was filmed in the Dordogne last fall, between October and November.

Why was the broadcast brought forward?

Normally scheduled for this summer, the TV movie will be broadcast from March 23 on France 2. “The film is already very popular. France 2 does not want to broadcast on a summer date. This is a date where there will be more attention”. Does it also have something to do with what’s going on right now? “No. But the news is catching up with us and it turns out that _this film echoes current events_Unfortunately”.

Why this telefilm “to the just”?

The Righteous are people who, during World War II, saw fit to save the lives of others. “I wanted to showcasing ordinary people who have done extraordinary things and there were during the war. There are people during the war who did extraordinary things, who weren’t resistance fighters, they were ordinary people”

Will we find the same solidarity in 2022 as at the time of the TV movie, inspired by real events?

“When I see that families in Périgord, as in all regions, mobilize to _welcome Ukrainians_I find this fraternity which can exist in people and which is beautiful”.

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