The “My Master” platform offers students with a bac+3 the opportunity to apply for a master’s degree.
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27,000 candidates are still waiting for a proposal for an assignment in higher education for the next school year on the “My master’s” platform, Franceinfo learned on Tuesday July 18 from the Ministry of Higher Education. 145,000 candidates had at least one admission proposal on this platform launched this year.
>> “My Master”: five questions on the new admission platform, which should allow the integration of students after the license
The “My master” platform should allow students with a bac+3 to apply for a master’s degree. Its admission phase during which the candidates must accept or not the proposals of the establishments started at the end of June and must take place until July 21.
Complementary phase
Many training courses have also not been full, universities are organizing an additional phase independently, outside the platform. “The downside is that these second phases are prepared a bit urgently within each of the universities”deplores to franceinfo Samuel Sanchez, vice-dean at the Nantes law school, where there are places left in 7 masters out of 30.
>> Personal data, repetitive procedures and communication problems… What results for the new “My Master” platform?
Marie-Karine Lhommé, vice-president of the University Lumière-Lyon II, deplores for her part “a lot of improvisation on both sides”. She regrets that the staff were “trained in the different stages of the platform only as you go” and that the “dossiers to be completed by the students were long and repetitive”. “It was complicated and urgent”, she criticizes. So faced with these returns, the Ministry of Higher Education promises improvements, and in particular the creation of a real complementary phase within the “My Master” system.