For eight years, the NGO has been releasing a report on forgotten humanitarian crises around the world, which affect millions of people. Like last year, they occur mainly on the African continent, with Angola in the lead.
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For Break the silence, On Thursday January 11, the NGO Care published a ranking of the ten least publicized humanitarian crises. Angola is rising in the rankings, where seven million people out of the country’s 36 million inhabitants are in need of humanitarian aid.
Several reasons explain this situation, as detailed by Fanny Petitbon, head of advocacy at Care France. “It is a country that combines floods, historic droughts, forest fires and a population that is extremely dependent on agriculture. This is directly affected by climate change,” she describes. To which must be added the rise in sea levels, another threat for the Angolans, a large part of whom live on the Atlantic coast.
“The more visible a crisis is, the more we can mobilize”
Despite the dangers facing its inhabitants, Angola does not make the headlines. “There were 260 times more articles on the release of the film ‘Barbie’ than on the humanitarian crisis affecting Angola”, points out Fanny Petitbon. The release of the film barbie was chosen as a reference point this year by the NGO Care, which sees in this comparison a good way to confront our responsibilities.
“There is no mystery. The more a crisis is visible in the media, the more we manage to mobilize, particularly financially, both the general public and governments.” insists Fanny Petitbon. In 2023, only 35% of the resources needed for humanitarian aid have been allocated to the countries that need it most.