25,000 positive students since the start of the school year and 10,800 classes closed according to the Minister of National Education

According to the Minister of National Education, about 2% of classes are closed Thursday, four days after the start of the school year, because of cases of Covid-19.

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The Covid-19, and more particularly the Omicron variant, disrupts the start of the school year on Monday January 3. Thursday, the Minister of National Education counts a total of 25,000 students tested positive since Monday, from kindergarten to high school. In addition, 4,000 adults have also tested positive.

Jean-Michel Blanquer also indicated that 75,000 students and 3,000 adult contact cases were isolated over the same period. These contaminations have resulted in 10,800 class closures, all levels combined, since Monday, out of the 527,200 classes in France.

According to the new protocol, when a student tests positive for Covid-19, the class does not close but all students must be tested three times in the following week: the first time on the day the student tests positive, a second time two days later, then a third time four days later. As long as these tests are negative, the student can return to class. With the old protocol, any positive case automatically closed the class.

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