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Paris 2024 Paralympic Games: Gérald Darmanin announces “25,000 police forces” to secure the event
Gérald Darmanin’s press conference in Paris on August 20, 2024.
The outgoing Interior Ministry also added that more than 10,000 security personnel will also be on deck for the duration of the competition.
Law enforcement will be on duty throughout the Paralympic Games. “There will be 25,000 [membres des] law enforcement agencies that will provide security” in Île-de-France, declared Tuesday, August 20, the resigning Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, during a press conference given from Place Beauvau. For comparison, 45,000 police officers and gendarmes were mobilized during the Olympic competition, which took place without “major incidentr”.
If he assured that he had no knowledge of any “characterized threat”“Regarding this competition, Gérald Darmanin has also planned “the support of the three intervention forces”, or a force of 300 personnel from the BRI, RAID and GIGN, while “10 000 security agents” will complete the system. The former mayor of Tourcoing also specified that “the security of sensitive delegations, including Israel, will be ensured in the same way as the Olympic Games.” Athletes and referees will be “protected 24 hours a day by the services of the Ministry of the Interior”he added.
The resigning Interior Ministry has listed“12 processions [qui] will be secured throughout the territory”, during the flame path, which will travel “33 departments”The tenant of Place Beauvau did not elaborate on the route, not wishing to spread the word. “surprises” planned by the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games Organizing Committee.
These members of the police force will not only be mobilized to ensure the torch relay, but also to secure the sites during the eleven days of competition, as well as during the opening and closing ceremonies of the event, scheduled for August 28 and September 8, 2024 respectively.