25-year-old man imprisoned

The facts go back to the night of Thursday to Friday. Place René Goblet in downtown Amiens, a 23-year-old homeless young man was fatally stabbed. A 25-year-old man, also homeless, unknown to the police and suspected of being his attacker, had been arrested, in a state of intoxication, then placed in police custody in stride. This Sunday, the Amiens prosecutor’s office indicates that he was imprisoned this Saturday and indicted for murder and specifies that the two men were Tunisians, in an irregular situation in France.

The 23-year-old victim died of complications “a stab wound, in this case a single stab wound to the chest”, details the parquet. According to the first elements of the investigation entrusted to the departmental security of the Somme, a different around a mobile phone would be the cause of this attack. The victim reportedly took the main suspect’s phone and refused to return it.

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