25-year-old hiker shot and killed in hunting accident

A 25-year-old hiker died on Saturday February 19 in Cassaniouze (Cantal), killed by a stray bullet during a wild boar beat, learned France Bleu Pays d’Auvergne from the Aurillac prosecutor’s office.

The hunting accident occurred in the early afternoon at a place called La Bécarie while the victim was on a marked hiking trail where she was walking with her companion. The young woman was hit by the shot in the upper body, indicates the prosecution without giving more details. Rescuers were unable to resuscitate her.

>>> Hunting accidents: four questions about their frequency and the rules supposed to avoid them

According to the gendarmes, the author of the shooting is a 17-year-old hunter resident of the neighboring department of Aveyron. Extremely shocked, she was transported to Aurillac hospital and could not be heard by the gendarmes. She also tested negative for narcotics and alcohol. An investigation is open for manslaughter, indicates the Aurillac prosecution to France Bleu Pays d’Auvergne.

The Secretary of State for Biodiversity, Bérengère Abba, reacted on Twitter on Saturday evening, evoking a “unsustainable and unacceptable tragedy”.

The president of the National Federation of Hunters also reacted, presenting “to the family of this young woman and her loved ones our most sincere condolences” and appealing to “take the measure of the drama”. “Without waiting for the results of the investigation, I want to tell you that nothing can justify, even accidentally, the death of a person”he pointed out. “I ask you to exclude from your hunts anyone who does not have perfect safe driving while practicing our passion”added Willy Schraen, because “our collective future depends on it”. He announces that he will contact “all hunting federations, so that each hunt organizer is reminded of all the safety rules specific to any hunting practice”.

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