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As of February 15, the time between the second and the third dose will be shortened to four weeks.
25 million injections in six weeks: this is the colossal goal that the government has imposed on itself. From February 15, to obtain his vaccine pass, the time between the second and the third dose will drop to four months against seven currently. In Neuilly-sur-Seine (Hauts-de-Seine), a vaccination center has multiplied by five the number of appointments in just one month, and is opening new niches. “We are extending the days a bit, and we have opened weekends in December, and we will open on January 8 and 9.“, explains the director of the center.
To keep up with this pace, the country is waiting for 12.7 million doses of Pfizer, and 25 million from Moderna. But can the pace be kept? To keep up with the pace, 600,000 doses would need to be injected every day until February 15. “It’s a logistics that seems difficult to sustain. Over six weeks, the teams get tired. We should reopen the major centers such as the Stade de France”, explains an economist.