“In a context of freedom of speech and improvement in the conditions for receiving victims by the police and gendarmerie services, the number of victims recorded has doubled since 2016,” estimates the Ministry of the Interior.
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Some 244,000 victims of domestic violence (the vast majority women) were recorded by the security forces in 2022, an increase of 15% compared to 2021, the Ministry of the Interior announced Thursday, November 16. This 15% annual increase is “close to the average annual rate of change observed since 2019”observes the Ministerial Statistical Service for Internal Security (SSMSI) in a press release.
“In a context of freedom of speech and improvement in the reception conditions for victims by the police and gendarmerie services, the number of registered victims has doubled since 2016”, observe this service. 87% of the victims are women and 89% of the accused are men. Only one in four victims filed a complaint.
Two thirds of the violence reported is physical, 30% is verbal or psychological and 5% is sexual violence. “As in 2021, Seine-Saint-Denis, Guyana, Pas-de-Calais, Nord and Réunion are the departments which display the highest rates of victims recorded per 1,000 inhabitants aged 15 to 64”according to the ministry.