244,000 married in 2022, a record for 10 years


Video length: 2 min.

France 3

Article written by

M. Arribe, C. Guyon, M. Petitjean, J. Messa, A. François-Poncet, V. Poulain – France 3

France Televisions

INSEE figures show that marriage remains an institution, a well-established tradition in France. 244,000 unions were celebrated in 2022, unheard of for a decade.

Last fittings for this future bride. She is looking for the perfect dress. Her long-awaited wedding will not take place under the sun, but in November, for lack of available dates this summer. In 2022, 244,000 married people said yes. A record for 10 years, which is mainly explained by the postponements of the ceremony, which could not be held during the Covid years.

Wait for the lifting of gauges and health restrictions

So, of course, there is a traffic jam. This year is even busier than in 2022. Many newlyweds feared that the Covid would disrupt their big day, like this couple visiting a room for the reception. The bride and groom preferred to wait, to be sure to be able to receive their 120 guests, without gauge or health restriction. The French are however less likely to marry than in the last century. In the 70s, they were nearly 400,000 to formalize their love each year.

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