24 stories of violence against women in the Arte series “H24, 24h in the life of a woman”

From a simple sexist remark in the street to a feminicide, through mental control or beatings, violence against women is manifold. Nathalie Masduraud and Valérie Urréa wanted to bring them all together in a series of short films, which will be broadcast on Arte from Saturday 23 October.

H24, 24h in the life of a woman , these are 24 stories inspired by real events, played by 24 actresses (Camille Cottin, Anaïs Demoustier, Diane Kruger…) and written by 24 writers (Lydie Salvayre, Lola Lafon, Alice Zeniter, Christiane Taubira…). “It started with a story too much, says Nathalie Masduraud. A woman, defenestrated by her husband, becomes quadriplegic and the insurance refuses to compensate her considering that she was responsible for what had happened to her since she had returned home not knowing where to go. A woman victim of both a man and a system. This story made us angry. “

“We said to ourselves that we had weapons, we are documentary filmmakers, we have a camera, we know how to use it, we have to do something with it, we cannot face these stories and do nothing, in as women, as documentary filmmakers and citizens. “

Nathalie Masduraud

on franceinfo

This activist series does not show women as victims: they rebel, react, sometimes trap their attacker. “Our series is a call to resistance, to be able to think, respond, testify, speak. This is why we immediately decided to create a dogma: invite these 24 writers, whose work we admired. engagement and the works, and offer them to do a monologue taking the place of the victim or a relative of the victim and then be able to offer it to actresses. It is also a way of reclaiming our stories “ adds Valérie Urréa.

The actresses, authors and directors (Sandrine Bonnaire or Valéria Bruni-Tedeschi) immediately agreed to participate in the project, whose objective for its creators is to bring about dialogue: “We hope that people are wondering. On very banal everyday things. We want ‘H24’ to serve as a tool in schools, in universities. It is another way of showing violence. , first by giving a voice to these women “, emphasizes Valérie Urréa. All the writers have donated their rights to the Women’s Foundation.

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