23 million people could be affected, says WHO

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10:51 a.m. : Several associations and NGOs have launched appeals for donations and are already mobilized in Turkey and in Srie to help the victims of the earthquakes. We explain in this article cHow to provide disaster relief with donations.


10:38 : Lifeless bodies wrapped in towels and placed on the floor. These scenes take place near a hospital in the Idlib region. After the earthquake, the rescuers embarked on a race against time to save as many people as possible. Report on the spot.


10:34 am : WHO pledges long-term support after sending emergency aid to earthquake-affected populations. “Event maps show that 23 million people are potentially exposed, including around 5 million vulnerable people”said an official of the World Health Organization, before the Executive Board of the organization.

10:29 : Some 23 million people could be affected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria, warns the WHO

10:26 : Good morning @lake. The earthquake multiplies the challenge posed to humanitarian organizations and Western countries to come to the aid of the Syrian population, in particular in the rebel zone of Idleb, in the north-west of the country. “Syria remains a gray area from a legal and diplomatic point of view”observes Marc Schakal, head of the Syria program of Médecins sans Frontières, who urges to send aid “as quickly as possible”. He fears that local and international NGOs will be overwhelmed in a country ravaged by twelve years of civil war.

10:25 a.m. : Hello franceinfo, why does aid focus on Turkey and nothing in Syria?

10:09 : Ghanaian international Christian Atsu has been found alive under the rubble. After the violent earthquake that shook Turkey and Syria, the former Chelsea and Newcastle player was reported missing.


10:10 a.m. : “It is important to reopen the humanitarian corridors” in Syria, the day after the violent earthquakes that occurred on Syrian and Turkish soil, pleads on franceinfo Professor Raphaël Pitti, of the NGO Mehad. While the toll, still provisional, is growing to 4,890 dead, he launches a “appeal to the international community” and in particular to the UN Security Council.

08:52 : “In this type of disaster, the number one priority is to provide drinking water.”

After the violent earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, the director of Unicef ​​France launches an appeal on France inter for the solidarity of the French, recalling that 2.5 million people live on humanitarian aid in northern Syria. “Five euros can purify 1,500 liters of drinking water”she explains.

08:22 : Ravaged by twelve years of war, Syria is now going through one of the worst humanitarian crises in its history after the earthquake. “We are doing our best, but we lack the arms and equipment to search for the victims, testifies a rescuer. We don’t get any help here. It’s a gigantic disaster, we hope that we will finally be sent help.” Reporting.


08:15 : With more than 4,800 dead, the appalling toll is still provisional. “Here, the concrete is twisted, the metal crumpled like paper”, testifies a special correspondent of franceinfo. It describes an apocalyptic landscape.


08:12 : The toll for Turkey of the powerful earthquake which shook the south-east of the country yesterday has increased to 3,381 dead, announces Afad, the official Turkish relief organization. This brings the total death toll in Turkey and Syria to 4,890, in a string of the strongest earthquakes to hit the region in nearly a century. Follow our live.

07:26 : Joe Biden promised his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan last night “all the help needed, whatever it is”, after the deadly earthquake that struck Turkey. The US President presented “his condolences on behalf of the American people” and assured that American rescue teams would be “deployed rapidly to support search and rescue efforts”according to a statement from the White House.

07:27 : “The tragedy”title Release in one, after the earthquake that hit southern Turkey and Syria. The various tremors caused the death of more than 4,300 people, according to the latest still provisional reports.

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