227 people evacuated in the Landes in Mano and Moustey

While in Gironde, renewed fires caused a major fire of more than 1,000 hectares in Landiras this Tuesday evening, the Landes prefecture announces the preventive evacuation of 227 people from the town of Mano and Moustey. “The Landiras fire in Gironde resumed on Tuesday August 9 and progressed unfavorably to reach the Landes department in the middle of the night”writes the prefecture in a press release.

No homes affected

These evacuations concern several hamlets: Pichemonge (Mano), Peyrin, Capsus, Lombard, Lesbarere (Moustey). The evacuated inhabitants were directed in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, towards the village hall of Moustey. However, the prefecture specifies thatno homes were affected by the flames.

More information to come.

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