22 exotic birds seized from an apartment in Sherbrooke

22 exotic birds were found crammed into an insanitary apartment in Sherbrooke, whose tenant was arrested for negligence.

The birds that were inside the accommodation on rue Larocque showed signs of neglect.

“The birds were unfortunately too small in cages. So inadequate. And these were dirty. So they had not been washed for several days or even weeks. Then the water was not necessarily safe, ”the spokesperson for the Eastern Townships SPA, Marie-Pier Quirion, told TVA Nouvelles.

The birds were seized by the SPA which acted following a report and several formal complaints.

Among the animals found, there were several cockatoos, macaws, ululations and an African gray.

In Quebec, it is not uncommon for people to adopt this type of exotic bird. They do not require a permit, but are governed by the regulation on birds in captivity, which provides for several measures

“They really need light spectra that will come close to the natural spectra of outside light. So to have ultraviolet light. And it is just as important in terms of food to fully absorb all their needs, but also in terms of the quality of their plumage, ”the director of animal care at the Zoo de Granby told TVA Nouvelles, Karl Fournier.

Those interested in adopting a parrot should be aware that such a bird has specific needs. In addition, some birds, such as the cockatoo, can live up to 80 years.

Some may then be tempted to get rid of it in their lifetime. It is also to help them that the owner of the birds would have adopted all these parrots, according to the authorities.

The tenant with 22 parrots was released with a promise to appear. He faces charges of neglect of animals.

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