22 departments at “very probable” risk of drought by the end of the summer

The heat episode heightens concerns about the extent of the drought in France. The government published a map on Wednesday where 22 departments appear in red, that is to say with a risk “very probable” drought by the end of the summer, mainly in the Southeast and West. Dozens of other departments are in orange, a risk “likely” of drought.

The map was compiled from different data: drop in levels of rivers and lakes, rainfall, and above all the current state of groundwater and soil moisture. According to the official Propluvia website, 54 water restriction orders have already been taken in 16 departments, mainly in the West and South-East, but also in the North.

An early drought

According to the press release from the Ministry of Ecological Transition, “soil drought set in early on the national territory”. The map “shows that the summer of 2022 could be marked by low water levels or marked drops in the water table over the entire territory” although it is necessary “remain vigilant about the use of these results” says the ministry. “They give indications in relation to the normal and the situations usually encountered.”

The Provence-Alpes-Côte-D’azur, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, northern New Aquitaine, Pays-de-la-Loire and Center-Val-de-Loire regions could be particularly affected, the statement said. Goal : “anticipate the measures necessary to preserve water resources and ensure the challenges of access to drinking water and public health while remaining attentive to the challenges of agricultural and energy activities”.

Screenshot of the map provided by the Ministry of Ecological Transition.
  • If you can’t see the map properly, click here.

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