21 things to do during a “road trip” in Bas-Saint-Laurent

There are a thousand and one reasons to fall in love with Bas-Saint-Laurent: the flats, the beautiful villages, the islands, the famous sunsets…

The following addresses are among the many places to discover along (and off) Route 132, between La Pocatière and Sainte-Luce-sur-Mer.

21 things to do in Bas-Saint-Laurent this summer (if it’s possible to go there):

1. Stroll among the beautiful 19th century housesand century of Kamouraska.

And stop in all the shops cute from the village: the Niemand bakery, the Fée Gourmande chocolate factory, the fabulous Côté Est restaurant, the Café du Clocher, the Quai des Bulles soap factory, the unmissable Lauzier fishmonger’s…

2. Go to the “little lighthouse”.

In Saint-André-de-Kamouraska, it’s the perfect spot for a photo shoot.

3. Rock climbing on the walls of Saint-André.

At the (very beautiful) Sebka campsite, we offer hiking, kayaking and, normally, introductory courses in climbing. They were canceled in 2020; Check it out for this year.

Good hops and unforgettable view! (For lots of microbreweries in maritime Quebec, here.)

At the edge of the lake of the same name, inland.

Yes, it is possible in the region! From Rivière-du-Loup.

This lighthouse has been the only one on its island since 1861. It has 3 rooms for visitors, and packages including the crossing and meals are offered from Rivière-du-Loup. (Dates still unknown for 2021.)

8. Hike (or stay overnight) on theHare Island.

A magnificent, wild and uninhabited place, with 40 km of trails, rustic campgrounds, cabins, an inn, magical views of the river… and lots of hares, of course!

9. Jog along the river in the Kiskotuk Coastal Park.

7 beautiful sectors to explore on foot or by bike, between Cacouna, L’Isle-Verte and Notre-Dame-des-Sept-Douleurs. You can also rent ready-to-camp there.

10. Take the ferry to thegreen island.

The landscapes are unique on this island of 49 inhabitants that you can explore on foot or by bike. You will even come across a skeleton museum!

11. Make reservations at the Basque cheese dairy of Trois-Pistoles.

And go picnicking on the village quay.

12. Go kayaking at sunset.

In Trois-Pistoles, the Coop Kayak des Îles offers equipment rental and guided outings.

Little known, this park is perfect for hiking, biking, SUP, kayaking, canoeing and even small pedal boat tours.

14. Walk the shores of Bic national park at low tide.

This park full of coves, islands and wild roses is a must stop! Keep your eyes peeled and spot the seals on the rocks.

15. Wanting to try everything at the artisan bakery Crazy Flour.

A charming address in the village of Bic.

16. Sleep in a mini-chalet on wheels among wildflowers.

Fancy a country stay near the river? Book quickly at Domaine Floravie.

You don’t want to miss the wonderful canteen of chef Colombe Saint-Pierre (whose gastronomic restaurant is also to be tried in Rimouski).

18. Visit a real one submarine.

the Onondaga is located at the Pointe-au-Père maritime historic site, next to the museum recounting the sinking of the Empress of Ireland. (Normally, you can sleep in the submarine (!), but this option will be back only in 2022.)

You can buy your gin, whiskey or maple brandy (acerum) at the shop, and find out about the return (or not) of tastings and visits this summer.

20. Eat a big poutine à la Station canteen.

A Rimouski snack bar that claims to be the “king of poutine”, nothing less!

21. Stroll along the promenade and the beach of Anse-aux-Coques in Sainte-Luce.

And fill up with salty air.


– Here are some ways to find accommodation: Airbnb, Tourism Bas-Saint-Laurent.

source site-64