2035 will mark the end of the sale of thermal cars



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On Wednesday June 8, the European Parliament set the year 2035 as the end of sales of thermal cars. The objective is to switch to all-electric by making it more affordable by this deadline.

After weeks of battle, MEPs decided on Wednesday June 8: from 2035, no new thermal vehicles will be available for sale. All new cars will be electric. “If we want to be consistent with the fight against climate change, we must, at some point, switch to cars which no longer pollute, which no longer emit CO2”, commented Pascal Canfin, MEP and President of the Environment Commission.

The French are sometimes perplexed. In the Médoc, as in all rural areas, the car is essential for getting around. “This vehicle, a truck, if I had to buy it new and all electric, it would be a budget times five, times six”, worries for example a motorist. France has 13 years to adapt. It is on the right track in the construction of charging stations and will equip itself with factories to build batteries. Its main challenge will be to propose electric vehicles at affordable prices.

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