2024, the year of the Northern Lights!

Last weekend, several lucky people were able to see the Northern Lights. Yes, yes, even in the city! If you missed them, console yourself: 2024 should be an exceptional year for observing these magnificent celestial phenomena. But actually, what is an aurora borealis? And why will there be more this year? I explain to you !

How are the Northern Lights born?

It all starts with the Sun. Eh yes ! It not only produces light and heat, it also constantly ejects particles charged with electricity. These move at a speed of 400 kilometers per second. At this speed, you could get to China in less than 30 seconds!

The Earth is protected by a barrier: the magnetic field. But sometimes there are what are called solar flares. When they occur, many more particles are ejected from the Sun. The magnetic field is then disturbed. These particles collide with gases in the atmosphere, and this collision produces lots of flashes of light. It’s these flashes that create the beautiful green, pink or blue light you can see in the sky during the Aurora Borealis!

In 2024, heaven spoils us!

2024 is a special year for the Northern Lights. The reason ? Every 11 years, the Sun becomes particularly active, causing more solar flares. Result ? More particles fly towards the Earth… and therefore there are more Northern Lights!

Colorful !

The color of an aurora borealis depends on the altitude and the gas with which the charged particles collide. The color green, for example, is the most common. It is the result of a collision between particles and oxygen, at a height between 100 and 300 kilometers above sea level. An airplane flies on average at a little more than 10 kilometers altitude.

Some tips

Here’s how to increase your chances of seeing the Northern Lights:

– stay away from light pollution;

– try your luck when it’s not raining and when the moon isn’t full.

Be patient ! We have to wait for our eyes to get used to the darkness.

Marilys Beaudoin

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