2024 American presidential election: the Donald Trump match


Video length: 2 min

American presidential election: the Donald Trump – Joe Biden match is on

American presidential election: the Donald Trump – Joe Biden match is on – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – F. Genauzeau, T. Donzel, K. Sullivan Den Bergh

France Televisions

The 2024 US presidential election begins Monday January 15 with the Republican primaries, the first caucus in the state of Iowa. Donald Trump is the ultra-favorite.

He dreams of knocking out his rivals on the first day of the primary. In Iowa (United States) paralyzed by snow, until the last minute, Donald Trump called on his supporters to go vote, and too bad for the risk of icy conditions on the roads: “Even if you die after the vote, it’s worth it.“Ten months before the election, all the polls promise the same casting as four years ago. A duel of veterans, where excesses are already daily. A feeling of déjà vu, in a campaign where all the blows seem permitted.

Towards a Biden-Trump duel?

On one side, Joe Biden, 81 years old, without a real opponent among the Democrats, and who poses as the last bastion of America’s values. “Democracy is always a sacred cause“, he said. On the other side, Donald Trump who is only four years younger, but never misses an opportunity to mock the age and approach of his rival: “Have you seen how he works?“. And this, including in his campaign clips, where the White House is presented as a retirement home.

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