The event

The young performer Phara Thibault is part of the imposing cast of the play An endby Sébastien David.
The apocalypse now…and An end
In the winter of 2025, the author Sébastien David offers us his new play, An end, directed by Patrice Dubois and Laurence Dauphinais. A dystopia with a gallery of tragic characters, carried by a cast of 16 performers, including Julie Vincent, Tommy Joubert, Simon Landry-Désy, Marie-Hélène Thibault, Phara Thibault… An apocalyptic story “delivered almost gently”, on the intimacy of human relationships.
From February 3 to 1er March 2025, Michelle-Rossignol room
We are intrigued…
The country found‘It’s snowing in Abidjan
Creation It’s snowing in Abidjan, by director Marc Beaupré, will be another highlight of the season in November. Iannicko N’Doua’s play is linked to the personal journey of the actor and his country of origin “which he does not know”… the Ivory Coast. “An intimate story that questions filiation, distance, remembrance and memory. »
From November 4 to 23, Michelle-Rossignol room
And also…

The author and actress Anne-Marie Olivier in 2022
An expected recovery
The resumption of Mauritius, an ode to resilience by and with Anne-Marie Olivier, will be presented at the end of October, beginning of November at the Salle Jean-Claude Germain. Performed to sold-out audiences several times since its creation in 2020, this light show has captured the hearts of audiences across the country. We also look forward to seeing Chronologyby and with Stéphanie Mazunya, artist in residence at CTD’A, in a production by Stéphanie Jasmin.
From April 7 to May 3, 2025, Michelle-Rossignol room
Consult the complete program