Why did you agree to be part of the team of Reviewed and corrected ?
A. The team of Bye Bye didn’t want you anymore.
B. You wanted to lower your annual income to pay less tax.
C. You wanted to make yourself known in the theater world.
D. You wanted to be crowned afterwards by Denise Filiatrault.
I will answer D [rires]. But it wasn’t a desire, more a fear. I am the first to be intimidated in the face of authority, so it is certain that working with Denise – even if it is Natalie Lecompte who is directing – it crossed my mind that I could get me scolded. But it did not happen, on the contrary, she is very benevolent. The day of our first reading, she brought us croissants… And we can’t refuse a croissant from Denise Filiatrault! I say this without being touted, it’s a privilege to watch her make her comments, because she really has the public eye. After the first streak, she lived up to her legend. She has the outspokenness that we know, but there was no coronation against me.
What are the advantages of being on stage, rather than on the air?
A. Poor performance cannot be found on social media.
B. We reach fewer people, so we don’t get stopped in the street.
C. We play without a net, which is still exciting.
D. We are really closer to the public.
I would answer C and D. I haven’t done a stage so much, but in 2019 I performed in the play Boy ! by Stéphane E. Roy, and I definitely feel the “netless”. A few days away from playing in front of a room, I already felt extremely vulnerable and stressed, but I have never felt so alive. In life, I’m quite spontaneous, but in the theater, you really have to master your text, and I still have an obsession with white. It lives in me. But I have to trust myself. I like going to bat. It’s part of my decision. I wanted to dive!
Pierre Brassard in rehearsal with his colleagues Benoit Paquette, Marc St-Martin, Monika Pilon and Marie-Ève Sansfaçon
Pierre Brassard in rehearsal with his colleagues Benoit Paquette, Marc St-Martin, Monika Pilon and Marie-Ève Sansfaçon
Pierre Brassard in rehearsal with his colleagues Benoit Paquette, Marc St-Martin, Monika Pilon and Marie-Ève Sansfaçon
Pierre Brassard in rehearsal with his colleagues Benoit Paquette, Marc St-Martin, Monika Pilon and Marie-Ève Sansfaçon
You are recognized for your talent as an imitator and impersonator. In Reviewed and correctedwhich character gave you the most trouble?
A.Rita Baga
B. Pierre Poilievre
C.Julie Snyder
D. Francois Legault
I wouldn’t want to reveal punches… I can tell you that there is a character in this choice of answers that we won’t be doing this year. I can also tell you that François Legault, it’s me who will do it, but he didn’t give me a hard time, because I’ve been imitating him for a few years. I told Natalie Lecompte that I didn’t just want to do characters I’ve done before, I wanted to do new ones. So yes, there are some that give me a hard time, but I can’t tell you which ones. It’s not in song that you will hear me either, I can also tell you that.
The political news of 2022 is abundant. Which events will you focus on the most?
A. The war in Ukraine
B. The convoy of truckers
C. The re-election of the Coalition avenir Québec
D. Global warming
All of these answers are good! What are we going to focus on the most? It’s hard to say… We do about forty sketches that parade in an hour and a half. It’s not that we stay on the surface, but we touch a little bit on all the subjects. Even at the time of the Bleu Poudre, we could talk about a subject for three seconds and we said to ourselves: we did it. It’s not laziness, but we make it a point to talk about all the salient topics, it’s just that we do it to varying degrees. The war in Ukraine, for example, I think we found a fun way to talk about it, without ever laughing at the war and the suffering of people.
COVID-19 and the return to a certain normality represent an important part of our news. What has been the most difficult for you over the past two years?
A. Wear a mask
B. Animate Could you repeat the question ? from your place
C. Talking to artists who had nothing to tell
D. Not being able to go to karaoke
Could you repeat the question ? was recorded in our studios, the competitors were present, 15 feet from me, and then we were separated by plexiglass panels. So this program was saved from the airwaves in extremis, thanks to the participation of actors and hosts from Radio-Canada, who were already in the tower. It allowed us to discover new talents, such as actress Noémie O’Farrell, the voice of OHdio. Honestly, the worst part was not visiting my dad, who was in an RPA at the time, and who died last spring. He was in the Lac-Mégantic region, I spoke to him often, but I couldn’t see him. In the Reviewwe allude to COVID-19, but we don’t dwell on it too much.
You will no doubt make a few nods to reality TV. What is your guilty pleasure?
HAS. Double occupation
B. the island of love
vs. Big Brother Celebrities
D. five guys for me
I want to answer Double occupation, but I liked it when it was in Terrebonne. I liked those grinds. It was the Joël Legendre years, I remember. Misty, Samuel… But over time, I picked up. It’s an interesting vector of conversation at a dinner party when you have nothing more to say. But right now, I’m having a little trouble following that. I listened to the first draft of Big Brother and I got hooked pretty quickly, but by the second season, I got hooked. In fact, it does me good not to understand everything when someone talks to me about it, because it becomes very closed as a conversation. It makes me realize that I do something else in life. But I maintain my choice ofDouble occupationwhich we talk about in the Review…
You have several other passions besides animation and comedy. Which ones?
A. Bowling
B. Illustration
C. Philately
D. Weightlifting
I love bowling! It’s not a passion, but it’s something I would like to practice more often. It’s a great gang activity and a change from karaoke. Unfortunately, there aren’t any near me… Illustration is a passion, and I have a book project in mind. I underestimate the beneficial effect of penciling in times of stress. It’s an escape, my stress ball, it calms me down. Especially right now, because this show is really the biggest deal of my professional life. With Reviewed and corrected, everything happens in the room. I observe veterans like Marc St-Martin or Benoit Paquette and I learn from Monika Pilon and Marie-Ève Sansfaçon, who are new too, and who are excellent. Me who dreams of a one-man-show, I realize that I am a team player.
2022 Revised and corrected. From November 22 to January 7, 2023 at the Rideau Vert.